Community Broadband Networks discusses what it means to be a GigCity. This article is the second in a series about Wilson, NC.
Upload speeds in the US average 6.69 Mbps, which is ranked 41st in the world behind i.e. Hong Kong at 60 Mbps, Singapore (47 Mbps), and South Korea (44 Mbps). But, if you’re in Wilson, NC, you are competitive with the world’s top achievers. Read the article to learn more.
Friends, please consider supporting PARI’s Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for a highly precise scanner for their Astronomy Legacy Project. This scanner will support their continued digitization of analog astronomical data and make it available to the world.
PARI has long been recognized for their many contributions, as evidenced in this NC STEM article, and I urge you to support them.
thank you,
Hunter Goosmann, ERC Executive Director
This is one of those ‘about time’ stories ! And, congratulations to the FCC for showing a true leadership position.
MCNC‘s Joe Freddoso speaks to Google’s announcement considering Charlotte and Raleigh as Google Fiber Cities.
Google is considering Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte for possible Google Fiber cities!