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Tennessee Close to Approving FREE Community College for HS grads

Tennessee Gov. William Haslam has proposed that his state use lottery funds to provide high-school graduates with two free years of education at community or technical colleges.


The NY Times covers Wilson, NC

Wilson, NC, gets coverage in the NY Times as being a ‘Town with Fiber.’ The article points out that tech savvy entrepreneurs, as well as those with existing businesses who require greater speeds (in particular upload speed), are moving to the towns across the nation that have fiber to the home (FTTH). Check out the article at the link above.


Jonathan Feldman is a top CIO to follow

Very proud to see the Huffington Post recognize the City of Asheville’s CIO, Jonathan Feldman. Not only is he a top CIO to follow on Twitter (@_jfeldman), but he is a recognized tech rock star across the region and thought leader. Congratulations to Jonathan and to the City of Asheville.


RST looks to change the Asheville Broadband market

RST is looking to change up the broadband services market in Asheville and the region. This may be a game changer! I hope the ERC can work with RST and create new solutions for WNC! Let’s create a new dialogue!


TN Legislature pushes pro-municipal broadband bills

Tennessee legislators have bi-partisan support to expand public networks! Four bills have been written to un-do restrictions previously enacted. Check out the article above.