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Jonathan Feldman is a top CIO to follow

Very proud to see the Huffington Post recognize the City of Asheville’s CIO, Jonathan Feldman. Not only is he a top CIO to follow on Twitter (@_jfeldman), but he is a recognized tech rock star across the region and thought leader. Congratulations to Jonathan and to the City of Asheville.


The Age of ‘Fiber to the Press Release’

Google Fiber intended to create a louder national dialogue about the lack of broadband competition. While their efforts have created competition in the areas where it’s deployed, Karl Bode says Google Fiber has created a new phenomenon he calls ‘fiber to the press release.’ This implies a carrier proclaims they, too, will soon be offering 1 Gbps broadband, but the announcement contains no hard specifics while the it states that ‘ISP X’ has joined the ultra-fast broadband race. Check out the article.


The FCC seeks input on E-Rate

The FCC is looking for additional input on the E-Rate program. Check out the link to Best Best & Krieger’s write-up on the issue.


RST looks to change the Asheville Broadband market

RST is looking to change up the broadband services market in Asheville and the region. This may be a game changer! I hope the ERC can work with RST and create new solutions for WNC! Let’s create a new dialogue!


TN Legislature pushes pro-municipal broadband bills

Tennessee legislators have bi-partisan support to expand public networks! Four bills have been written to un-do restrictions previously enacted. Check out the article above.